At Napa Acupuncture Practice, we apply the traditional approach of seeing multiple patients at a time.
It is exactly how acupuncture is traditionally practiced in Asia: several patients per hour, and people feel better afterward!
Acupuncturists in the US usually treat patients on massage tables in private rooms. In Asia, traditional acupuncture occurs in a community setting. In our clinic, we have comfortable zero-gravity recliners arranged in a soothing and serene setting. Click here to learn more about our acupuncturist.
Treating patients in a community acupuncture setting has many benefits.
Family and friends can come together for treatment - just schedule an appointment together.
It is comforting to many patients, and a collective energetic field is created, which makes individual treatments more effective.
Our style of acupuncture at NAP allows patients to rest/sleep for as long as 45 minutes, as space permits.
Patients choose when they are ready to have their treatment end.