Tiny ASP Needles Are a “To Go” Style of Acupuncture


Tiny Needles That Can Change Your Life….

This 3.4 millimeter gold needle could end years of pain in moments. 

an ASP Needle on a finger tip

ASP ear needles (Aiguille Semi-Permanente) or semi-permanent needles are made in Lyon, France. They were designed by a French physician to stay in the ear for a length of time. Here in the USA, they tend to stay in for several days to a week or more. In France, it is not uncommon for a doctor to leave them in for a month or more at a time. 

ASP ear needles come are Gold (pictured above) or Stainless Steel. NAP has been using these needles with great success to reduce pain, anxiety and relieve PMS/PMDD symptoms. Faune likes that the needles get “reactivated” every time you get up or move.

Click here to schedule ASP appointment by janeapp

After care for ASP needles

  • Continue normal activities and avoid over exertion for the initial 6-12 hours after a treatment.

  • You may bathe or shower with the needles in place, but be careful not to dislodge the needles when cleaning or drying the ear.  Using a warm hair dryer about 6 inches away from the ear, for 30 seconds, will re-activate the needles. You can also use the provided magnet to tap on the ASP to stimulate the points if you desire.

  • If you remove the needles, or find them when they fall out, dispose of them in a container with a lid.

  • You may take notes about how you feel, sleep, and your pain level to report back at your next visit. 

  • The needles can remain in your ear for up to seven days, or if they fall out then they are “done.”

  • Once a day, have a partner or friend check the needles. If any redness or pain develops at the local needle, remove it by twisting clockwise and counter clockwise, while pulling gently.  Removing after a warm compress/shower can facilitate needle removal. 

  • Questions/concerns contact:  Faune Towery, L.Ac. by phone or text at 707-294-2554.